What we do

When someone comes to us
seeking help we consider all
aspects of their life experience, from housing, finances and
learning, to relationships and
cultural backgrounds.

We design individual strategies with an emphasis on skill
development, prevention and early intervention to achieve
successful outcomes.

Our services

Request a service

Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling services offered by ac-care
Our staff and volunteers are passionate about educating people of all ages and backgrounds through free, confidential and non-judgmental services to help clients avoid a crisis or overcome challenging situations.
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Family & Children

Family playing on a beach as the sun is going down
We support families and relationships of any makeup and at any stage to help sustain and improve relationships, or assist with positive connections after separation.
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Community & Learning

The Millicent and Mount Gambier Community Centres are multi-function centres providing a range of ac.care services including educational and recreational activities.
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Aboriginal Services

A commitment to cultural diversity and respect is fundamental to ac.care's dedication to supporting all people living in rural South Australia, with a particular focus on Aboriginal communities and families.
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Youth Services

Young group of people just hanging out smiling
The ac.care Residential Care Program is designed to provide a caring and nurturing home environment for children and young people conductive to growth and development.
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Foster Care

Country people who volunteer to become foster careers offer children and young people, who cannot live with their birth family, a chance to thrive in a safe and nurturing home in their own community.
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Child and Youth Residential Care

Young children playing under a multi-colour blanket
ac.care’s Child and Youth Residential Care Program provides medium to long term accommodation and support to children and young people aged 10 – 18 yearrs.
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We work with other organisations and the community using a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s needs and provide non-judgemental and non-discriminatory advice.
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Proudly providing services to the South Australian country communities of the
Limestone Coast, Murraylands, Riverland, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula

ac.care️ 7 hours ago

The ac.care Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre is planning to relocate to its new home at 5 Percy Street alongside staff currently working at the agency's White Avenue head office 🥳 ✨ Your voice matters in this move ✨ We invite you to take an anonymous survey to help us better support your needs at the Percy Street complex. Please provide your feedback by 5pm on Wednesday, February 26. Your expertise is appreciated 💙🧡 Have your say 👉 https://bit.ly/FRChaveyoursay #accare #positiverelationships

ac.care️ 13 hours ago

The popular Chatty Cafe Murray Bridge is continuing to meet at Murray Bridge Community Centre 😁💛 Join us Thursdays at 18 Beatty Terrace from 9.30am-11.30am for a chat and warm drink in a relaxed, social atmosphere 🗣☕ You can learn more about Chatty Cafe Murray Bridge here: https://accare.org.au/community-to-get-chatting-in-south-australian-first/ #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople The Chatty Cafe Scheme Australia The Haven at Murray Bridge

ac.care️ 1 day ago

Did you know the Family Relationship Centre supports children in separated families through a fun activity-based program? 😊🚀 Blast Off runs over the course of six weeks during a school term. Aimed at children aged 5-12, Blast off provides a safe space for children in separated families to share experiences, explore emotions and develop strategies that support emotional wellbeing. If you would like more information, feel free to call (08) 8721 3500 and speak to the team 💙🧡 #accare #positiverelationships

ac.care️ 1 day ago

Start your foster care journey next week at Murray Bridge Library by stopping for a chat with Kandice 😊 Stop by between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Tuesday to chat with Kandice and learn how you can support local children in need as a long-term, short-term, emergency or respite foster carer ✨ Can't make it? Request more information here 👉 https://accare.org.au/services/foster-care/ #accare #fostercare

ac.care️ 3 days ago

Lisa is at Port MacDonnell Library until 1pm today to discuss foster care with you ✨ Stop by for a chat at the library, which is located at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex 💙🧡 Start your foster care journey today 👉 https://accare.org.au/services/foster-care/ #accare #fostercare

ac.care️ 3 days ago

REMINDER: Tomorrow is your chance to learn more about foster care from our friendly, passionate team when we visit Port MacDonnell Library 💙🧡 Stop by between 11am and 1pm for a chat at the library, which is located at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex. Start your foster care journey today 👉 https://accare.org.au/services/foster-care/ #accare #fostercare

ac.care️ 7 days ago

A great virtual opportunity from Department for Child Protection SA for country foster carers to support you and the children in your care for the year ahead 💙🧡 #accare #fostercare

ac.care️ 1 week ago

The ac.care Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre is planning to relocate to its new home at 5 Percy Street alongside staff currently working at the agency's White Avenue head office 🥳 ✨ Your voice matters in this move ✨ We invite you to take an anonymous survey to help us better support your needs at the Percy Street complex. Please provide your feedback by 5pm on Wednesday, February 26. Your expertise is appreciated 💙🧡 Have your say 👉 https://bit.ly/FRChaveyoursay #accare #positiverelationships

ac.care️ 1 week ago

Today, February 13, marks the 17th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations - a significant milestone for healing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who suffered as a result of past government policies of forced child removal and assimilation. Today is an opportunity to commemorate and acknowledge the wrongs of the past, while reflecting on the work that still needs to be done to address the impacts of unresolved trauma. ac.care is committed to walking together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to be part of solutions into the future and we encourage all Australians to join us on this journey. #accare #walkingtogether

ac.care️ 1 week ago

Did you know the highly regarded Circle of Security program is available free of charge at the Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre? 💙🧡 At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you 😊 Circle of Security is an eight-week program based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. This program grows parents’ knowledge to read the emotional needs of their child and support their child in successfully managing their emotions 🫂 Parents learn how to develop their child’s self-esteem whilst building their own confidence as a parent and learn tips to enhance the parent-child relationship. To learn more about Circle of Security or to self-refer please contact 8721 3500. #accare #positiverelationships

ac.care️ 1 week ago

A new men's health and wellbeing program starts in the Murraylands this month 😊🤝 Shoulder to Shoulder is a five-week program that will support you with skills and tools to manage your mental health, understand your strengths, set and reach goals, and much more. Sessions will be held weekly on Thursdays at Murraylands Skills Centre. Spots are limited so please register by contacting Brock from Skylight Mental Health on 0437 243 527. #accare #positiverelationships #opportunitiesforcountrypeople 💙🧡

ac.care️ 1 week ago

Are you a young person in the Murraylands looking for a space to hang out after school?💜💛 If you are aged 12-18 and living in the Murraylands, come hang out, play games, get creative or simply chill 😁 The space is open every second Wednesday (including tomorrow!) at the ac.care Murraylands Centre, located at 29 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge. Register today: https://accare.supporterhub.net.au/pages/hangoutspacesignupform Want to know more? Call 8531 4900 or email reconnect-ml@accare.org.au ✌️ #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 1 week ago

Let 2025 be the year you share your life with a child through the power of foster care ✨ Learn more about foster care from our friendly, passionate team at Port MacDonnell Library on Tuesday, February 18. Stop by between 11am and 1pm for a chat at the library, which is located at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex. Start your foster care journey today 👉 https://accare.org.au/services/foster-care/ #accare #fostercare

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

Escape the heat tomorrow and learn how to create a Kokedama in our final session with Glen at Mount Gambier Community Centre 🌱🧶 Drop by for this free session at 1pm. Please bring a ball of string or wool and a seedling (succulents work best!) 💚 As the summer heat persists, our community centres at Berri, Millicent and Mount Gambier are a great place to keep cool, seek support and get involved in some fun, social activities. Visit www.accare.org.au to find your nearest ac.care site 😊 #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

We have another great week of activities and opportunities at ac.care community centres in Berri, Millicent and Mount Gambier 💙🧡 Join your local noticeboard and keep updated with what is available at your community centre. 🔹 Berri Community Centre noticeboard - ac.care 🔸 Millicent Community Centre noticeboard - ac.care 🔹 Mount Gambier Community Centre noticeboard - ac.care Visit https://accare.org.au/contact-us/ to find your nearest ac.care site. #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

ac.care will host community celebrations on March 7 to mark International Women’s Day under this year’s theme of March Forward: For ALL Women and Girls 💜 We are committed to providing opportunities for all country people to thrive and proud to be part of International Women’s Day, which is important to many of our staff and the people we work with. Morning activities will be followed by a free lunch at the Mount Gambier Community Centre at 22-24 Ferrers Street. We would love to see you there! Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date as further details about the event are released. The theme commemorates 30 years since 189 nations adopted the United Nation’s Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action for achieving gender equality. This International Women’s Day, we can all play a part in Marching Forward, as it reminds us that ongoing forward momentum is essential to turning commitments into action and promises into progress. Everyone has a responsibility to ensure women and girls are given equal opportunity to build their capabilities and strengthen their capacity to learn, earn and lead. #IWD2025 #MarchForward #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

Did you know the Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre provides multiple supports for separated or separating parents navigating forward? 🌱🧱 Parenting After Separation offers Children in Focus Information sessions to help parents remain child focused through co-parenting and/or mediation. This involves learning to improve communication to reduce conflict, gaining practical strategies to stop conflict, and learning to understand the experience of the child. Children in Focus challenges parents’ thinking about what mediation or co-parenting should look like from a child-focused lens. The Family Relationship Centre also offers Emotion Coaching. This is a three-part session aimed at assisting parents to support their children through their emotions and help parents recognise what emotions their child might be feeling through a separation. Parents will learn what children need from them, how to reduce conflict and improve communication, and how to manage their parenting relationship with the other parent. Sessions specifically focussed on setting boundaries and communication are also available. Parents can move through the information at their own pace, learning to effectively and confidently set boundaries and communicate with the other parent during the mediation and/or separation process. For more information drop into the Family Relationship Centre at 1 Helen Street or call 8721 3500 💙🧡 #accare #postiverelationships

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

The National NAIDOC Committee is encouraging an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young person or group to design the 2025 National NAIDOC poster ❤️💛🖤💚💙🤍 Read the post below for more details on how to get involved and share your take on the 2025 National NAIDOC Week theme - The Next Generation: Strength, Vision and Legacy. #accare #walkingtogether

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

Thank you to the Animal Rescue Cooperative (ARC) for another generous donation of pet food 💙🧡 The supplies will help us ensure vulnerable people accessing services at our ac.care Murraylands Centre can continue to feed their pets 🐾 The centre - located at 29 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge - provides services and opportunities for the community, including people experiencing hardship. We know for many people facing challenging times and uncertainty in their lives, a pet can be a comforting and important presence. Support from organisations such as ARC, along with businesses and individuals, increases our impact at a time when people in our communities need our care more than ever. Call 1300 ACCARE (1300 222 273) or email care@accare.org.au to find out how you can support ac.care or visit www.accare.org.au/donate to make a one-off or ongoing donation. #accare #increaseourimpact #PetbarnFoundation #RoyalCanin #ProudlyMars #HillsPetNutrition #Whimzeesau #WellnessPetFood #blackhawkpetcare #ThankYouARC

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

Have you made your booking yet for our free weekly Millicent shuttle bus? 👋 Kylie will be at the wheel on Thursday to help residents access the Millicent Community Centre or the town's shopping precinct 🚌 Pick up will be at 11am and 1.10pm on Ramsay Street, as well as 11.15am and 1.20pm from the Millicent Community Church (Williams Rd). To book your spot on Thursdays, call 7725 3000 by Wednesday 4pm. #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople 💙🧡

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

Kokedama creating is back at Mount Gambier Community Centre tomorrow with Glen 🌱🧶 Please bring a ball of string or wool and a seedling to make your own Kokedama (or "moss ball"), which make for great indoor plants 😁 Glen will be back again on February 11 for the final free session. Follow the Mount Gambier Community Centre noticeboard - ac.care to stay updated with the centre's latest opportunities 💙🧡 #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 3 weeks ago

Have you heard about our new Recycle and Regenerate group at Berri Community Centre? 🌱💚 Join us Tuesdays from 10am-11.30am for this free activity as we bring new life to plants in a relaxed, social atmosphere. Follow the latest centre updates on the Berri Community Centre noticeboard - ac.care or visit us at 5 Kealley Street, Berri and discover how your community centre can support you 💙🧡 #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 3 weeks ago

From foster carer to now supporting other carers, Murraylands mother Niki Borchardt knows the meaningful impact country people can have on children needing a safe home 💙🧡 Niki is now part of ac.care's dedicated foster care team that supports the foster care journey of people across the Limestone Coast, Riverland, Murraylands, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula ✨ Our team would love to hear from you and discuss the difference you can make as a long-term, short-term, emergency or respite foster carer. Request more information today: https://bit.ly/let2025betheyear #accare #fostercare

ac.care️ 3 weeks ago

Did you know the Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre provides a judgement free, fee free and confidential, safe counselling service? 👥 The counselling team is dedicated to supporting the community by assisting individuals, couples and families through relationship issues, family functioning and conflict, separation, grief and loss matters and building strong family foundations. Our counselling service also offers support to men for their relationships with their partners, ex-partners, children and stepchildren 💙🧡 For more information drop in to the Family Relationship Centre located at 1 Helen Street or call us on 8721 3500. #accare #positiverelationships

ac.care️ 4 weeks ago

January 26 offers a chance to create a deeper understanding of our country’s story and promote respect and reconciliation among all Australians. Reconciliation involves acknowledging and healing the past to create a genuine and more unified future. Australia is the only place on earth that can celebrate having the world’s oldest continuous living culture. It makes our nation unique on the world stage and it is something we should be proud of. It is with that pride that we should all walk together towards an Australia that understands, values and actively supports the inclusion of Aboriginal people in all aspects of life. Reconciliation South Australia has many great resources to support a deeper understanding and respect for Aboriginal people, culture and equality in society. We can all lead change by choosing to bring people together to celebrate diversity and honour an enduring legacy. #accare #WalkingTogether 💙🧡

ac.care️ 4 weeks ago

Create a Kokedama at Mount Gambier Community Centre 🌱🧶 Join the fun on January 28, February 4 or February 11 from 1pm at the centre and learn from Glen Sparks about Kokedama, a style of bonsai that originates from Japan. Please bring a ball of string or wool and a seedling to make your own Kokedama (or "moss ball"), which make for great indoor plants 😁 Follow the Mount Gambier Community Centre noticeboard - ac.care to stay updated with the centre's latest opportunities 💙🧡 #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 1 month ago

Chatty Cafe Murray Bridge is temporarily relocating to the Murray Bridge Community Centre 😁💛 Join us weekly on Thursdays at the earlier time of 9.30am-11.30am in the centre's Harmony Room at 18 Beatty Terrace. This change in venue and time is expected to continue throughout February. The Chatty Cafe is a free event open to anyone looking to chat and connect with others in a relaxed, social atmosphere. Come down and brighten up your day ☀️ #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople The Chatty Cafe Scheme Australia The Haven at Murray Bridge

ac.care️ 1 month ago

Join us tomorrow at Berri Community Centre for Recycle and Regenerate 🌱💚 Anyone is welcome to join this new, free activity that will involve repotting cuttings to bring new life to plants 🫶 This weekly activity will be held between 10am-11.30am on Tuesdays at 5 Kealley Street, Berri. Follow Berri Community Centre noticeboard - ac.care for all your latest ac.care news, events and opportunities in the Riverland 💙🧡 #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 1 month ago

ac.care Reconnect has a new hang out space in the heart of Murray Bridge for young people 💜💛 If you are aged 12-18 and living in the Murraylands, come hang out, play games, get creative or simply chill 😁 Register today: https://accare.supporterhub.net.au/pages/hangoutspacesignupform Want to know more? Contact ac.care Murraylands on 8531 4900 or email reconnect-ml@accare.org.au ✌️ #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 1 month ago

Staff and prisoners from Mount Gambier Prison have continued an ongoing tradition that supports people in need who visit Mount Gambier Community Centre 💙🧡 ac.care received a large donation of non-perishable food items made by the Mount Gambier Prison community, which was distributed to people seeking support over the festive period. FULL STORY 👉 https://accare.org.au/prison-community-gives-back-at-christmas/ #accare #IncreaseOurImpact

ac.care️ 1 month ago

REMINDER: Learn more about foster care at Mount Gambier Library tomorrow ✨ Meet our friendly foster care team between 11am-1pm and chat about the difference you can make through long term, short term, emergency or respite care ☺️ Can't make it? Request more information here 👉 https://bit.ly/let2025betheyear #accare #fostercare

ac.care️ 1 month ago

Need a lift to Millicent Community Centre or the local shops? Don't forget to register for ac.care's free shuttle bus 🚌😁 Operating weekly on Thursdays from 11am-3.30pm, residents can pre-book a seat to access the Millicent Community Centre or the town's central shopping precinct. This new initiative is initially providing a pick-up and drop-off service from the corner of Ramsay Street and Bridges Street. Contact Kylie on 7725 3000 during business hours before Wednesday 4pm to secure a seat for the following day 💙🧡 #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 1 month ago

Are you aged 12-18, living in the Murraylands and looking for somewhere to hang out, have fun and connect with other young people? 😁 ac.care Reconnect has a new hang out space in the heart of Murray Bridge for you to learn new skills, play games and simply hang out 🥧🎲🎼 Register today: https://accare.supporterhub.net.au/pages/hangoutspacesignupform Contact ac.care Murraylands on 8531 4900 or email reconnect-ml@accare.org.au for more information 💙🧡 #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople

ac.care️ 1 month ago

The first Murray Bridge Chatty Cafe for 2025 will be held next week on Thursday, January 16 💛 While this means there will be no event at The Square tomorrow, why not stop by the Chatty Bench and brighten your day with a conversation 😊 #accare #opportunitiesforcountrypeople Murray Bridge Community Centre The Haven at Murray Bridge The Chatty Cafe Scheme Australia

ac.care️ 2 months ago

As 2024 ends, we want to thank everyone who supported ac.care this year as we strive for all country people have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships 💙🧡 We want to acknowledge and thank everyone who connects with our services. While it might seem like a one-way relationship sometimes (that is, us helping you), don't underestimate the expertise and learnings we constantly take from your feedback and advice. A special thank you to our incredible network of foster carers who once again opened their hearts and homes to children in need. Your commitment to these children is amazing and we cannot thank you enough for providing safe, loving homes for these children. We also acknowledge the amazing contributions made by our supporters in 2024. Whether you partnered with ac.care to deliver an opportunity, donated through a fundraiser or direct to ac.care, contributed your time as a volunteer or showed support in other ways, we thank you. Your contributions truly help to increase our impact on country people in need. Lastly, thank you to the ac.care Board for its leadership and vision in setting the course of the agency's work and service provision, as well as our skilled and passionate staff who make a difference each and every day. Wishing you all the best for 2025 and beyond 🥳✨ #accare #IncreaseOurImpact

ac.care️ 2 months ago

The joy of Christmas has been shared this month between foster carer families and ac.care’s Out of Home Care team at regional festive celebrations 🥳🎊 Christmas-themed events held at Mount Gambier, Monarto, Victor Harbor and Barmera brought the agency’s regional carer communities together to celebrate and acknowledge their significant contribution to children in care throughout 2024 💙🧡 Full story 👉 https://accare.org.au/joy-of-christmas-shared-with-country-foster-carers/ #accare #fostercare

Who is ac.care?

ac.care is a non-government organisation (NGO) with charitable status, created by country people for country people. The organisation started in 1986 because there was no teenage foster care service in Mount Gambier, South Australia.

We have a focus on early intervention and prevention services and our mission is for all country people to have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships. Our core activities include the recruitment and support of foster carers, supports for people experiencing homelessness, Aboriginal services, family relationships, counselling, financial inclusion and community adult education.

At ac.care we work in our communities and with each other to these values:

All hands in

our impact 2023 - 2024


Children found homes with local foster carers


Families opened their homes and hearts as foster carers with ac.care


Children and young people were cared for in our residential care homes


People were able to get through a crisis with access to emergency or short term accommodation


People avoided homelessness with early intervention support


Families were supported to have safe contact with their children through the Children’s Contact Service


People were supported to strengthen their family relationships through groups and programs


People managed a difficult financial situation by seeking financial counselling


Parents and children were supported by Communities for Children Murraylands programs and activities


People were supported in a crisis with financial help and food assistance through emergency relief services


People moved from homelessness to stable accommodation


People were employed by ac.care

ac.care Locations

ac.care is a dynamic organisation servicing the South Australian communities the Limestone Coast, Murraylands, Riverland, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.

Our mission is for all country people to have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships.

Please find our service locations here or use our contact form to request a service.

Mount Gambier
Head office and Foster Care

70-72 White Avenue Mount Gambier, SA 5290
PO Box 1842 Mount Gambier SA 5290
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Mount Gambier
Community Centre

22-24 Ferrers Street Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Mount Gambier
Family Relationship Centre

1 Helen Street (cnr Bay Road) Mount Gambier, SA 5290
9am to 5pm
10:30am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
Later by appt
9am to 5pm

Berri Community Centre
Servicing the Riverland

5 Kealley Street, Berri, SA 5343
PO Box 1345 Berri, SA 5343
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Murraylands Centre
Servicing the Murraylands, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula

29 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge, SA 5253
PO Box 2090 Murray Bridge, SA 5253
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Community Centre

57-59 George Street Millicent, SA 5280
PO Box 378 Millicent, SA 5280
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm
Seek Help