Communities for Children (CfC)

View all Communities and Children Services

About Communities for Children Murraylands


Communities for Children Murraylands is facilitated by in Murray Bridge and works in collaboration with our community partners, committee and key stakeholders to deliver positive and sustainable outcomes for children and families in the regions of the Rural City of Murray Bridge (including Callington), Mid-Murray and Coorong Districts.

Communities for Children’s community partners aim to improve the health and well-being of families and the development of young children, from before birth through to age 12 years. They aim to create strong child-friendly communities that understand the importance of children and apply this capacity to maximise the health, well-being and early development of young children at the local level. Events and workshops are on the CfC Murraylands Facebook page.



Our valued community partners are:

  • Centacare – A number of programs and activities are delivered by our Community Partner through our Fathers and Families Program. The program aims to support families to prepare for children before birth and to build knowledge and understanding to support parents in their role. Promoting the importance of positive fathering in the development of children and the family as a whole is provided. Activities such as Ante-Natal sessions, Family nights, Beyond Kayaking and Parenting programs are some of our services on offer.
  • Tailem Bend Community Centre –The Tailem Bend Community Centre provides educational and social opportunities for their local community. Communities for Children Murraylands have partnered with the Tailem Bend Community Centre and offer a range of activities and programs for families and children aged 0-12 years living in the Coorong, Rural City of Murray Bridge and Mid-Murray regions, and the Karoonda township. Programs such as Parent Child Mother Goose Supported Playgroup, school holiday activities, parenting programs and more.
  • Playgroup SA – The vision of Playgroup SA is that all children in South Australia are developmentally on track. Playgroup SA support families and communities to improve children’s development. As a Community Partner they deliver PEEP LTP Playgroup weekly during term in Callington. They also offer developmental checks.

Australian and International evidence confirms that the early years of a child’s life are a critical time in their development and the foundations for learning, behaviour and health.

Communities for Children takes an early intervention approach that supports families to improve parenting skills and ensure the health and wellbeing of children.



Who will benefit?

In general, Communities for Children focuses on improving early childhood development and wellbeing of children from birth to 12 years and may include children up to 18 years.

What is the role of

We build on local strengths to meet the needs of individual communities and to create capability within local service systems, using strong evidence of what works in early intervention and prevention.

As the facilitating partner, we collaborate with other organisations to provide a holistic service system for children and families.

How is the service delivered?

We fund other organisations (known as community partners) to provide services targeted to their community as identified by community consultation and a local committee.

Services include parenting support, play-groups, evidence-based programs for students, group peer support, case management, home visiting, community events and life skills courses.

What programs are available?

Current programs available across Centacare, the Tailem Bend Community Centre and other partners include:

  • Parent/Child Mother Goose
  • Seasons for Growth
  • Drumbeat
  • Tuning into Kids
  • Bringing up Great Kids
  • Circle of Security
  • Celebrate Connection
  • 123 Magic and Emotion Coaching
  • Dads Net
  • Beyond Kayaking
  • School Holiday Activities
  • Family and Individual Support
  • Family Fun Time
  • PEEP LTP Playgroup at Callington
  • Child Friendly Murraylands Business Awards
  • Celebrate Connection


All Communities for Children activities and programs are FREE


Not required

Contact Murraylands
8531 4900 or email

Communities for Children is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Social Services.

Children’s Contact Service

The Children’s Contact Service (CSS) enables children of separated parents to have safe contact with the parent that they do not live with in circumstances where the families are unable to manage their own contact arrangements.

The CCS offers supervised visits and change-overs for children of separated families in a safe, neutral, caring and supportive environment. Children can have supervised visits with their parent that they do not live with, or with significant others. workers also facilitate change overs between parents.

During both supervisions and change-overs parents do not have contact with one another and, therefore, children aren’t exposed to potential conflict, and parents are protected.

The aim of the service is to support families to move to self managed arrangements.  We offer a flexible approach to service delivery including partial supervision and off-site visits.   We develop case plans with clients to support them to move to self managed arrangements.

Getting Started

Assessment interviews will take place with both parents separately, at least one week prior to the commencement of service use. A familiarisation visit for the child/children and parents will be arranged before service use commences.  This involves meeting workers and being shown around the facilities to ensure children and parents feel comfortable before their first session.

We will do our best to follow court ordered times, but this may not always be possible. Copies of all relevant Parenting Orders and Intervention Orders are to be provided to the Centre at the first opportunity.

Opening Hours

The service provides supervisions and change overs on Friday afternoons and weekends.

Staff are available for support and information Monday-Friday at the Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre. does not operate on Good Friday and Christmas Day.  Clients will need to make alternative arrangements on these days.

The Children’s Contact Service is funded by the Department of Social Services.

As of July 2023, no longer charges fees for this service, which includes inquiry, intake and assessment, information and support services, as well as supervisions and change-overs.

Children’s Contact Service Application Form

Service Requested:(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Are they aware you have made contact with the Children’s Contact Service?(Required)
Child Name
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender (Male/Female)
Resides with
Is there a current Family Court Order or Parenting Plan in place (Please tick) Please provide a copy
Is there a current Intervention Order in place? (Please tick) Please provide a copy

** Please note in some cases Intervention Orders may not make it possible for our service to facilitate contact. A variation may be necessary before we could proceed with your application.

Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY

** Please note that each parent/guardian must complete and return separate application forms. Following this separate assessment interviews will be held before parents/guardians can use the Children’s Contact Service. This process can sometimes take between 2-6 weeks and is subject to availability of the service

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Download Children’s Contact Service Application Form PDF

Family Relationship Centre

View all Family Relationships Centre Services supports families and relationships of any makeup and at any stage – helping new parents adjust, providing counselling and workshops to help sustain and improve relationships with children, partners and extended family; and assisting parents and children with positive connections after separation.

The Family Relationships Online website offers access to a range of services and resources, as well as information to help families understand how to resolve disputes without going to a family law court.

The website also includes information about Family Relationship Centres, family mediation, and other specialist services for families and children.

Publications and factsheets on family law services, services for children and parenting after separation are available on the website. These are also provided in a number of other community languages.

Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre

Family and Relationship Counselling provides non-judgmental, confidential and low cost counselling to individuals, couples and families.

Our service covers a range of issues including:

  • Relationship issues
  • Family functioning and conflict
  • Family violence – both those who are victims and those who use violence
  • Separation
  • Grief and loss
  • Managing stress
  • Support with a crisis

Contact us on (08) 8721 3500 or

John’s StoryJohn contacted the Family Relationship Centre for help. His ex-partner Kylie wouldn’t let him see their 8 year old child Sam, because John did not have a suitable place to live.John and Kylie agreed to work on this issue. First they attended the Parenting After Separation Workshop. It was here that Kylie had her “aha” moment and came to the realisation that it was very important for Sam to develop a relationship with his Dad.At the follow-up Family Dispute Resolution session they developed a plan to find a suitable place where John and Sam could spend time together. John and Kylie now have open lines of communication, are able to talk regularly and arrange for John to spend regular time with Sam. John was even working with’s accommodation services on finding appropriate housing.* Note all names changed to protect clients’ privacy

Runaway Success 14 year old Crystal had run away in a state of distress because of unbearable stress and endless arguments with her parents. She returned home but was thinking of running again. Her Mum too was distressed and deeply concerned about her daughter’s wellbeing. We addressed parenting strategies with her Mum, as well as practicing some of the tried and true standards: love, patience and consistency. The focus then switched to Crystal, encouraging her to contemplate the positive contributions she brought to the family. Crystal and her parents developed a refreshingly new view of their love and support for each other. Crystal’s Mum also embraced the opportunity for change and together she and her daughter agreed to regular outings, shopping, going for a walk in the evening or just an occasional catch up. The disruptive spirit lifted like a veil.  Our work with the family was over three weeks from referral to amicable family agreement. Seven months on and family members are enjoying each others company and most importantly Crystal has no thoughts of running away. *Note all names changed to protect clients’ privacy

Magic Bullet On rare occasions it is the magic bullet question that can turn things around. Our youth worker and guitar virtuoso Mark was asked to speak to Josh in Year 9 about his highly disruptive behaviour in class. As an introduction Mark sent Josh a curved ball and asked, “Josh, why do you think I’m here?” Josh, caught a little on the back foot said he thought Mark was there to talk to him about unacceptable behaviour. Josh then disclosed that he hated being in trouble all the time and was quite ready to accept change. As the conversation continued Josh developed some of his own strategies. Subsequently Josh was able to make changes which turned out to be most effective. Today he is one of the top students in his year and enjoying the newly acquired status. *Note all names changed to protect clients’ privacy

Strong Families Strong Communities

This targeted early intervention response to families experiencing risks to child safety is offered using a holistic and trauma-informed case management approach.

Strong Families, Strong Communities aims to empower families and promote activities and support that diverts families from entering statutory child protection services.

Keeping children safe in the home, community and Culture delivers this new program in the following Local Government areas:

  • Berri Barmera Council
  • Renmark Paringa Council
  • Rural City of Murray Bridge
  • Mount Barker District Council
  • District Council of Grant

Are you eligible?

There are some criteria that determine if a family is eligible, and a short referral access form can determine if your family will fit the program. Some considerations are:

  • Do you live in a service area?
  • Do you have children living in the home and have some worries and concerns around their safety?
  • Risk factors include family and domestic violence, alcohol and drug use, mental and physical health, housing stress (housing instability, suitability).
  • Have you recently worked with an Intensive Family Service and require a step-down service response to maintain safety?

Based on population data and research and as part of the Child Family Support Services Reform priority is given to certain population groups that have evidenced a higher need for support services and early intervention. These are:

  • Infants at risk
  • Parents younger than 23 years of age.
  • Adolescents experiencing challenges with a history of, or current trauma.
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families experiencing multiple and complex needs.

Who can refer?

  • Self-referral
  • Community services, including and not limited to childcare centres and children’s centres, education sites, paediatricians, aboriginal health services, financial counselling services
  • Department of Child Protection
  • Intensive family services providers
  • SA Health
  • South Australian Housing Authority
  • Child and family safety networks
  • Other services.

Contact Family Services clinical coordinator Michelle George for a referral form or information.
Phone: (08) 8580 5300 | Mobile: 0428 109 411 | Email:️ 11 hours ago

Stronger Safer Connected Dads is a six-week course to support you to be a patient, present, happier dad 😊 If you live in the Murraylands and would like support to navigate the stresses of family life, consider joining this free group program where you will learn alongside other men in a safe space, free of judgement. This is a six-week commitment starting May 6 with weekly sessions held at Murraylands, located at 29 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge. Contact Dimitri by email at or call (08) 8531 4935 for more information. #accare #positiverelationships️ 3 days ago

The first of three group programs for young people aged 12 to 18 in the Murraylands gets underway at The Station next week 🥳 Led by accredited trainers from Reconnect Murraylands, the group programs will focus on emotional wellbeing, healthy relationships and sexual health, as well an emotional wellbeing program for young people who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community 😊 The groups include: Looking Through The Lens - A four-session group program supporting the emotional wellbeing of youth from the LGBTQIA+ community 🌈🙌 Held March 31 and April 3 + April 7 and April 10. Emotional Wellbeing - A group program focused on improving the emotional wellbeing of young people through an interactive presentation held over two sessions 🧠🫶 Held April 28-29. What is Sexual Health? - A group program that provides information about sexual health and healthy relationships based off the SHINE SA Curriculum 🌟 Held May 12 and May 15. Register your interest or find out more here 👉 #accare #positiverelationships️ 2 weeks ago Reconnect Murraylands is inviting young people aged 12 to 18 to participate in up to three group programs focused on emotional wellbeing, healthy relationships and sexual health, as well an emotional wellbeing program for young people who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community 😊 Each program will be hosted in Murray Bridge at The Station by's team of accredited trainers. The groups include: Emotional Wellbeing - A group program focused on improving the emotional wellbeing of young people through an interactive presentation held over two sessions 🧠🫶 Held April 28-29. Looking Through The Lens - A four-session group program supporting the emotional wellbeing of youth from the LGBTQIA+ community 🌈🙌 Held March 31 and April 3 + April 7 and April 10. What is Sexual Health? - A group program that provides information about sexual health and healthy relationships based off the SHINE SA Curriculum 🌟 Held May 12 and May 15. Register your interest or find out more here 👉 #accare #positiverelationships️ 2 weeks ago

Did you know that the Family Relationship Centre offers a program to help parents build positive relationships with their teenagers and better understand their needs? 😊🧩 Engaging Adolescents, delivered by one of our highly skilled on-site counsellors, is a three-session program aimed at helping parents/carers find the balance between boundaries and freedom, engage teenagers in important conversations, identify the behaviours that need a parent’s attention, resolve possible conflicts through conversation and build relationships with teens during non-conflict conversations. Want to know more? Call the Family Relationship Centre on 8721 3500 💙🧡 #accare #positiverelationships️ 3 weeks ago

Did you know about Bringing up Great Kids, a reflective and respectful parenting program that assists you with building loving and nurturing relationships with your children? 💙🧡 This five-session program aims to help parents understand both themselves and their children in a nurturing and supportive environment. Bringing up Great Kids teaches about parenting styles considering children’s neurological development, their behaviour, and how to understand the messages children communicate through behaviours. Want to know more? Call the Family Relationship Centre on 8721 3500 😊 #accare #positiverelationships️ 1 month ago

Did you know the Family Relationship Centre offers a group program to help participants identify domestic violence and have safer relationships? 💙🧡 Shark Cage is a six-session trauma-informed program for women who have experienced domestic violence and sexual abuse in their lives. The five steps of the Shark Cage framework explore how to recognise unhealthy and healthy relationships, the impacts of trauma, how to manage strong emotions, develop assertiveness and strong boundaries, and learn self-care strategies to build your sense of empowerment. Shark Cage helps you to create a strong and positive sense of self and your rights ✨ Want to know more? Call the Family Relationship Centre on 8721 3500 🫶 #accare #positiverelationships️ 1 month ago

REMINDER: Less than a day remains to have your say on the Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre ahead of its planned relocation 😊 ✨ Your voice matters in this move ✨ Please complete this anonymous survey to help us better support your needs at the new Percy Street complex. Feedback closes tomorrow at 5pm. Your expertise is appreciated 💙🧡 Have your say 👉 #accare #positiverelationships️ 1 month ago

The Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre is planning to relocate to its new home at 5 Percy Street alongside staff currently working at the agency's White Avenue head office 🥳 ✨ Your voice matters in this move ✨ We invite you to take an anonymous survey to help us better support your needs at the Percy Street complex. Please provide your feedback by 5pm on Wednesday, February 26. Your expertise is appreciated 💙🧡 Have your say 👉 #accare #positiverelationships️ 1 month ago

Did you know the Family Relationship Centre supports children in separated families through a fun activity-based program? 😊🚀 Blast Off runs over the course of six weeks during a school term. Aimed at children aged 5-12, Blast off provides a safe space for children in separated families to share experiences, explore emotions and develop strategies that support emotional wellbeing. If you would like more information, feel free to call (08) 8721 3500 and speak to the team 💙🧡 #accare #positiverelationships️ 1 month ago

The Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre is planning to relocate to its new home at 5 Percy Street alongside staff currently working at the agency's White Avenue head office 🥳 ✨ Your voice matters in this move ✨ We invite you to take an anonymous survey to help us better support your needs at the Percy Street complex. Please provide your feedback by 5pm on Wednesday, February 26. Your expertise is appreciated 💙🧡 Have your say 👉 #accare #positiverelationships

Meet Niki: Learn more about foster care at Mount Barker

🧡💙 Meet with Niki 💙🧡 Niki is a former foster carer now supporting carers across the Murraylands, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula ✨ Hear her story and have your questions answered about foster care on Thursday, November 21 at The Coffee Tin – Mount Barker Central Shopping Centre. Stop by between 10am-12pm for a chat! … Continued
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Niki’s foster care experience empowers others

ENSURING children experience safety, love and stability to thrive has been a lifelong commitment for Murraylands mother Niki Borchardt. In addition to raising her own children, she has provided a foster home with her husband for young people in need of care before joining the staff team as a key support worker for other … Continued
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Learn about foster care: Riverland information sessions

Local kids need local carers in the Riverland to support them to shine. Drop by and chat with Traci-Lee in October at Berri Barmera Library Service or Loxton Public Library to have your foster care questions answered. Whether you can provide long-term, short-term, respite or emergency care, we need everyday people like you who can … Continued
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Community forum to inspire people to open hearts and homes to children

PEOPLE passionate about the welfare of children are urged to attend a foster care forum this month in Strathalbyn to learn how they can make a difference in young local lives. Foster carers are needed to support vulnerable children unable to live with their birth parents in the Murraylands, Fleurieu Peninsula and Adelaide Hills. Regional … Continued
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Murraylands foster carers driven by love to help children succeed

MURRAYLANDS couple Suzanne and Darren Moss have been guided by love and a passion to help children succeed as country foster carers for almost a quarter of a century. Blessed with a country lifestyle on 130 acres in the Murraylands, the rural setting has provided a perfect backdrop for children to grow and thrive. From … Continued
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Hear from Holly – a foster carer with

Join Holly at Murray Bridge Library on Friday, February 23 to chat, ask questions and hear about her experience as a foster carer. Our foster care team member Melissa will also be there to discuss how supports carers and how to get your journey started. You can learn more about the difference Holly has … Continued
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Decades of care leaves proud legacy for Muir family

THE story of Murraylands couple Jock and Lynette Muir is one of generosity, kindness and true dedication to helping children in need. Decades ago, they opened their home to foster children with the support of country agency, providing a safe and loving environment, and ultimately changing the course of the lives of young people in their care.
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Childhood foster support prepares Jess to thrive as young adult

Become a foster carer – learn more MAKE every opportunity count has long been a mantra for Mount Gambier teenager Jess, who is about to embark on her next journey studying a double degree at the University of South Australia. It is the latest goal set by the 18-year-old who has been a high achiever … Continued
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Mount Gambier foster care manager swaps roles to help flood-affected residents

A MOUNT Gambier social worker witnessed first-hand the impacts of the River Murray flooding on Riverland communities after volunteering for three weeks to support affected residents. Limestone Coast foster care service manager Sherri Winter was a welcoming and compassionate presence for residents seeking support at the Riverland emergency relief centre in Berri. Ms Winter … Continued
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Fleurieu couple’s lives transformed by foster care

"He's done more for us than we have for him," says Fleurieu Peninsula foster carer Tony about the boy he has welcomed into his family with wife Laura.
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National Child Protection Week highlights need for foster carers

CARING adults living in regional South Australia can play a key role in ensuring the state's most vulnerable babies, children and young people receive safety, care and support when they need it most.
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Mount Gambier foster care coffee morning

Do you have space in your heart and home to offer a child in the Limestone Coast your love and support as a foster carer? is seeking caring adults to become foster carers to support vulnerable local children long-term, short-term, in emergency situations or to provide occasional respite for other carers. You can find out … Continued
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Foster Care information session coffee morning – Berri

Do you have space in your heart and home to offer a child in the Riverland your love and support as a foster carer? is seeking caring adults to become foster carers to support vulnerable local children long-term, short-term, in emergency situations or to provide occasional respite for other carers. You can find out … Continued
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Foster Care Information Session – Renmark Library

Become a foster carer with Join Brenton at Renmark Library, on Tuesday 22nd February at 4.30pm for an information session about the process to become a foster carer and to have your questions answered. To find out more, call 1300 ACCARE (1300 222 273) or email
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Lions helps share festive thanks to carers

LIONS clubs have helped share gratitude to foster carers on behalf of the community for the remarkable contribution they make to supporting young lives. When COVID-19 concerns prevented Christmas events being held to bring carers, children and staff together to mark the end of the year, Lions clubs answered the call for donation … Continued
read more Locations is a dynamic organisation servicing the South Australian communities the Limestone Coast, Murraylands, Riverland, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.

Our mission is for all country people to have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships.

Please find our service locations here or use our contact form to request a service.

Mount Gambier
Head office and Foster Care

70-72 White Avenue Mount Gambier, SA 5290
PO Box 1842 Mount Gambier SA 5290
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Mount Gambier
Community Centre

22-24 Ferrers Street Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Mount Gambier
Family Relationship Centre

1 Helen Street (cnr Bay Road) Mount Gambier, SA 5290
9am to 5pm
10:30am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
Later by appt
9am to 5pm

Berri Community Centre
Servicing the Riverland

5 Kealley Street, Berri, SA 5343
PO Box 1345 Berri, SA 5343
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Murraylands Centre
Servicing the Murraylands, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula

29 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge, SA 5253
PO Box 2090 Murray Bridge, SA 5253
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Community Centre

57-59 George Street Millicent, SA 5280
PO Box 378 Millicent, SA 5280
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm
Seek Help