ac.care Berri has moved to new offices at 5 Kealley Street, Berri. Opening times remain the same Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. All contact details remain the same too – phone 8532 2344 email care@accare.org.au and the out of hours number for the Homelessness Gateway 1800 003 308.
After 10 years ac.care needed to move to new offices to meet the community’s needs. The previous offices served ac.care and their clients well but the organisation has outgrown these. The new offices provide more space to allow for more rooms for client meetings, training rooms for foster carer and staff training. We now also have the ability to host meetings of community interest such as the Riverland Community Services Alliance. The move means there is easier car parking for client appointments.
Services located at new address include:
Aboriginal Youth Developmentac.care HousingEmergency ReliefFamily Support, Reunification and PreservationFinancial CounsellingFoster carer recruitment, support and trainingHIPPYNILS loansOpening DoorsRiverland Homelessness Service
Senior management working from Kealley Street office and living in the Riverland include:
General Manager Community ServicesManager Foster Care Support ServicesProgram Manager Aboriginal ServicesProgram Manager Family Services RiverlandProgram Manager Foster Care Support RiverlandProgram Manager Riverland Homelessness Service