Our Benefits

ac.care is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for staff and volunteers that is underpinned by the ac.care values of CARE (Compassion, Adaptable, Relationships and Excellence).



ac.care employment conditions are as per the relevant Award e.g., Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award and/or Children Services Award.

ac.care also offers a range of benefits above the Award to ensure your career is fulfilling and rewarding.

ac.care also offers a range of benefits to ensure your career is fulfilling and rewarding.

Salary sacrificing allows you to pay for certain expenses before tax is taken out of your earnings. This reduces the amount of tax you pay, helping you make the most of your income.

You can choose to salary sacrifice super contributions and/or package a range of benefits up to $15,900 each FBT year on items such as your mortgage, rent, school tuition fees, private health insurance or even a personal loan repayment. You may also salary sacrifice an additional $2,650 on meals, venue or accommodation hire.

For more information and useful calculators to estimate how much you could save please visit our salary packaging provider, Maxxia and select the industry Healthcare & Charities.

If you have an ongoing employment relationship with ac.care, then you would be eligible to enter into a novated lease arrangement for a motor vehicle, subject to credit approval by the financier and approval by us.

By leasing a vehicle through Maxxia you could enjoy plenty of savings including your lease costs, insurance, and servicing and maintenance costs.

You could save on tax and save when it comes to running your car. For more information please visit our salary packaging provider, Maxxia.

ac.care offers external free, professional, confidential counselling assistance to all staff who may need help with particular problems affecting their health or wellbeing, whether personally or in the workplace.

ac.care acknowledges the need to balance your work and personal life and as such offers a range of provisions such as flexi-time, job sharing, condensed fortnight, working from home and part time options where appropriate.

ac.care is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers.

We have a dedicated team of Work, Health and Safety representatives who help develop and review work, health and safety policies and procedures and systems to ensure a safe working environment for all.

ac.care offers a range of specific conditions of employment that provide benefits above the National Employment Standards (NES) and relevant Award (Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award or Children Services Award). Some of those benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Additional week of Annual Leave
  • Length of service recognition cash awards
  • 16 weeks redundancy payment for employees with 9 years of service or more of continuous service.
  • Sleepover allowance greater than the Award

At ac.care we are committed to developing a learning culture in which staff and volunteers can excel and grow professionally. Our Study Assistance Policy and Performance Management & Development Framework ensures that not only do you have adequate skills and support to perform your current role, but that you also have the opportunity to enhance your work performance to meet your personal career aspirations.

Our Recruitment Process

We are committed to ensuring ac.care workplaces are a reflection of the clients we serve, by being diverse and promoting inclusivity and equality.

At ac.care we value diversity and are committed to providing equal employment opportunities to suit people of varying skills and experience. We encourage people from all backgrounds, abilities, and identities to apply.

Our applicant experience includes an online and/or manual application, behavioural based interview, referee checks and background checks. Telephone interviews, assessment centres, and medical assessments may also be used in our recruitment and selection process.

  • Internal Recruitment – is when ac.care looks to fill jobs with their current workforce who have the necessary skill sets, sourcing talent from other teams, programs, and job functions e.g. promoting or transferring an existing employee
  • External Recruitment – may be used to attract individuals with the necessary skill sets that are not found in-house e.g.  Senior roles, specialist roles and where a potential internal successor is not quite ready.
  • Secondment – is when an external applicant or existing ac.care employee is placed into a position for a fixed period of time.
    • If you are an existing ac.care employee, you will return to your Substantive Position at the end of the fixed period; or
    • If you were the successful external applicant, your employment with ac.care will end, at end of the fixed period.
  • Redeployment – is only available to an ac.care Employee whose position is a genuine redundancy.
  • Higher Duties – is when an ac.care Employee is undertaking additional duties at a higher level than their substantive role. Typically, higher duties is a fixed short term period of three (3) months or less.
  • Traineeships –  are only available for entry level positions within ac.care, where the successful applicant will be paid to undertake a mixture of study and on-the -job training, culminating in a nationally recognised vocational qualification.
  • Labour Hire – means a recruitment agency,  labour engagement specialist  or Registered Training Organisation (RTO) contracted by ac.care to provide temporary labour resourcing services.

All our recruitment process and selections are based on MERIT.

MERIT means our employment decisions are based on a competitive assessment of an applicant’s ability to perform the job. Merit selection allows ac.care to select the best person for the job, and requires us to assess applicants on:

  • Application e.g., abilities, aptitude, and qualifications
  • Interview e.g., skills, knowledge, and personal qualities
  • Information sought from referees e.g., experience
  • Testing e.g., psychometric, Working with Children Check and National Police Check

This ensures that all selection decisions are objective, fair, and avoid discrimination or favouritism. When ac.care advertise a vacancy, we include specific selection criteria relating to the job e.g. the essential and highly regarded knowledge, skills, and qualities to be successful in the job.

Before applying ac.care recommends that you read the job description, or talk to the relevant contact person identified in the job advertisement so you can understand more about the role.

To apply you will need to either complete an online application through SEEK or the ac.care website and attach your cover letter, resume, and any supporting documents or email your cover letter and resume to careers@accare.org.au.

  • Your cover letter should include your address, date, job title, company name, , an introduction explaining your reason for writing, explain what makes you a good fit for this job or type of work, a closing, and your signature.
  • Your resume should outline your work history and details of any relevant qualifications, licenses and referees. If you need assistance in updating your resume CLICK HERE.

When you apply, please let us know any accessibility or adjustment needs and we will do our best to accommodate these.

If your application is short listed, you will be contacted to arrange a suitable time to meet with the interview panel. The interview panel will generally be up to 3 people.

  • The interview may be in person, over the phone or via video call.
  • You’ll be required to complete a pre-employment declaration form
  • You’ll be asked questions around the key criteria of the job, and you may be asked to complete an activity or come back for a second interview (if required). ​​​​​​

The interview is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your transferable skills and experience. When responding to questions, we will ask you to use specific examples. Keep your responses succinct but make sure you include details of the situation, actions that you took and the outcome.

Don’t talk about what you would do – talk about what YOU DID DO.

We recommend going over the job description prior to the interview so you are prepared with a few examples and can easily refer to them.

The interview process is an opportunity for you to show your personality in addition to your skills and experience, plus allows you to also assess our people conducting the interview to see if ac.care is an appropriate fit for you.

We know interviewees are often nervous and we will do our best to allow you to relax and have an enjoyable interview and feel good about the experience.

For information on how to address selection criteria please refer to the following example – ‘A Guide to Addressing Selection Criteria for Applicants’.

If you attend an interview, you may be asked to provide details for 2 work-related referees.

Referees should be people you currently or previously reported to and who can speak about your skills and knowledge (from paid or voluntary work).

It is best to confirm their willingness to act as referees before nominating them and it is also useful to send your referees a copy of the job description and tell them about the position you are applying for.

This way they can be well prepared to answer our questions on your background and experience.

ac.care is a child-safe organisation, requiring all applicants to be screened for suitability to work with children and vulnerable people. This will include a:

  • National Police Check,
  • Working with Children Check and/or
  • Psychological Suitability Assessment (if you are seeking to work in one of our Residential Care Houses) and/or
  • medical assessment.

We will obtain your consent prior to proceeding with any checks initiated by ac.care.

We will contact you after the interview to let you know how you went, and provide feedback upon request.

If you don’t progress after the interview stage, don’t worry, we have your application on file for any future opportunities for the same job, alternatively you can still apply for other positions within ac.care.

Before a final offer is made ac.care will conduct professional referee checks and ensure all pre-employment check results are back.

If you have made it this far – Congratulations!

ac.care aim to select the best possible applicants with diverse skills and perspectives that represent our clients.

We look forward to working with you!

Working With ac-care

Do you want to make a difference in your local community?

Come and work with ac.care!

There are many challenging and fascinating career pathways within ac.care for qualified social and community workers, corporate service professionals, plus volunteers and students undergoing tertiary study. You may go on to undertake roles in casework, counselling, advocacy, community engagement and social action help improve the lives of people in times of difficulty, so they have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships.

Careers for First Nations People

Aboriginal lady standing in front of a building
Aboriginal man, on the phone, sitting at a desk
Aboriginal lady with a young child inside play equipment

ac.care is committed to increasing employment opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through recruitment, retention, and professional development opportunities. We do this by creating a culturally safe workplace, where cultural differences are acknowledged, respected, and supported through our day to day operations.

We offer a diverse range of career opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples including:

  • Traineeships
  • Team member positions
  • Team leader positions; and
  • Specifically identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander positions

We strongly encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for all positions. To view all current ac.care job vaccines please visit our ‘Working with ac.care’.

If you are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander we encourage you to let us know in your application. If you require assistance with your application, please contact HR at Careers@accare.org.au.

ac.care has a diverse workforce and there are excellent opportunities for you to build a rewarding career with the support of the Aboriginal Employee Network, plus other staff who have a genuine passion for their work.

ac.care’s  Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan shows our commitment to drive specific actions to ensure ac.care extends and deepens its commitment to working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples towards reconciliation.

ac.care has a diverse workforce and there are excellent opportunities for you to build a rewarding career with the support of the Aboriginal Employee Network, plus other staff who have a genuine passion for their work.

ac.care is committed to increasing employment opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through recruitment, retention, and professional development opportunities. We do this by creating a culturally safe workplace, where cultural differences are acknowledged, respected, and supported through our day to day operations.

ac.care️ 2 weeks ago

Would you like to be part of a dynamic regional South Australian team focused on providing quality services for country people? 💙🧡 🔷 Family Services regional manager – Murray Bridge 🔸 https://accare.org.au/careers/regional-manager-family-services/ 🔸 Applications close March 16 🔷 Foster care services case worker – Mount Gambier 🔸 https://accare.org.au/careers/case-worker-foster-care-services/ 🔸 Applications close March 16. Visit https://accare.org.au/careers/ to view our current vacancies and to learn more about working with ac.care. #accare #workwithaccare

ac.care Locations

ac.care is a dynamic organisation servicing the South Australian communities the Limestone Coast, Murraylands, Riverland, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.

Our mission is for all country people to have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships.

Please find our service locations here or use our contact form to request a service.

Mount Gambier
Head office and Foster Care

70-72 White Avenue Mount Gambier, SA 5290
PO Box 1842 Mount Gambier SA 5290
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Mount Gambier
Community Centre

22-24 Ferrers Street Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Mount Gambier
Family Relationship Centre

1 Helen Street (cnr Bay Road) Mount Gambier, SA 5290
9am to 5pm
10:30am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
Later by appt
9am to 5pm

Berri Community Centre
Servicing the Riverland

5 Kealley Street, Berri, SA 5343
PO Box 1345 Berri, SA 5343
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Murraylands Centre
Servicing the Murraylands, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula

29 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge, SA 5253
PO Box 2090 Murray Bridge, SA 5253
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Community Centre

57-59 George Street Millicent, SA 5280
PO Box 378 Millicent, SA 5280
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm
Seek Help