Homelessness week is 7 to 13 August 2017. ac.care provides the Limestone Coast Generic Homelessness Service and has a range of activities to which everyone is welcome.
ac.care reports for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 their workers provided homelessness services to 476 people who came to the Mount Gambier office. Three hundred and sixty-eight people were new clients. Of the 476 who requested support, 19% were children 0 to 9, 18% young adults 18 to 24 and 18% adults 24 to 34. Thirty-two percent of clients were experiencing mental health issues. The main presenting issues were 59% housing crisis (eg, recently evicted) and 20% inadequate or inappropriate dwelling conditions. Nineteen percent were rough sleeping and 15% couch surfing at the time they saw an ac.care worker.