Limestone Coast Support Homeless People Luncheon returns

ONE of the Limestone Coast’s biggest fundraising events is back to support the work of in supporting vulnerable people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

Financial counselling team shares guide for COVID-19 support options – 2021

Click the link to access our COVID-19 financial support explainer: COVID-19 FINANCIAL SUPPORT GUIDE - 22nd July 2021THE Commonwealth and South Australian governments, along with various agencies and other organisations have rolled out support packages and special payments to help people affected financially by measures to control’s financial counselling team has helped compile a … Continued

Financial counselling team shares guide for COVID-19 support options – 2021

Click the link to access our COVID-19 financial support explainer: COVID-19 FINANCIAL SUPPORT GUIDE - 22nd July 2021THE Australian Government and various government departments, agencies and other organisations have rolled out support packages and special payments to help people affected financially by measures to control’s financial counselling team has helped compile a handy list … Continued

JobSeeker increase not enough to lift people out of poverty

THE Federal Government’s commitment to a $25 per week long-term rise to the JobSeeker rate is not enough, according to chief executive officer Shane Maddocks. He said the $50 per fortnight increase, equating to $3.57 per day, when the $150 coronavirus supplement expires at the end of March, would lock job seekers back into … Continued

Murraylands foster care forum to focus on needs of vulnerable young people

TICKETS: Scroll to bottom of article to book tickets below Day Hour Minute SecondA COMMUNITY forum in Murray Bridge will highlight the need for more people to open their hearts and homes to children and young people as foster will host the Supporting Vulnerable Children in Our Community forum on March 16.“There are sadly … Continued

HIPPY research launch featured on SBS World News

THE launch of landmark research into the Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters at the Murraylands Centre made headlines on SBS World News on February 11, 2021. Read more: RESEARCH LAUNCH: KATISHA’S JOURNEY: spreads Christmas cheer across the Murraylands

YOUNG people have shared the festive spirit by taking part in the Communities for Children Murraylands Christmas tree decorating challenge facilitated by from schools and kindergartens decorated white Christmas trees with themes of their choice, celebrating the festive season while being encouraged to practice team work, creativity and planning. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT: Anne at Concordia … Continued

2020 Support Homelessness People Luncheon postponed until 2021

THE sold-out 2020 Support Homeless People Luncheon has been postponed until 2021 due to ongoing concerns about the impact of COVID-19 in South Australia and interstate.Held every two years as one of the Limestone Coast’s largest regular charity events, the luncheon at the Barn Palais was previously postponed from April 3 until October 9.However, the … Continued

Country agency calls for increased social housing to address homelessness

COUNTRY agency is calling on governments to invest more in social housing and mental health services as it continues to support hundreds of people without a home or on the brink of homelessness in regional South Australia.Over the past financial year,’s homelessness service worked with 1304 clients, housing 95pc of people who approached … Continued

Volunteers vital at

THE message of National Volunteers Week is “volunteering change lives and communities”, which is certainly the case at in Millicent.Volunteers are vital in delivering’s mission of ensuring all country people have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships. COMMITTED TO COMMUNITY: Jenny Morris and Rose Pilven continue to … Continued Locations is a dynamic organisation servicing the South Australian communities the Limestone Coast, Murraylands, Riverland, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.

Our mission is for all country people to have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships.

Please find our service locations here or use our contact form to request a service.

Mount Gambier
Head office and Foster Care

70-72 White Avenue Mount Gambier, SA 5290
PO Box 1842 Mount Gambier SA 5290
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Mount Gambier
Community Centre

22-24 Ferrers Street Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Mount Gambier
Family Relationship Centre

1 Helen Street (cnr Bay Road) Mount Gambier, SA 5290
9am to 5pm
10:30am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
9am to 5pm
Later by appt
9am to 5pm

Berri Community Centre
Servicing the Riverland

5 Kealley Street, Berri, SA 5343
PO Box 1345 Berri, SA 5343
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Murraylands Centre
Servicing the Murraylands, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula

29 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge, SA 5253
PO Box 2090 Murray Bridge, SA 5253
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Community Centre

57-59 George Street Millicent, SA 5280
PO Box 378 Millicent, SA 5280
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm
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