Communities for Children’s community partners aim to improve the health and well-being of families and the development of young children, from before birth through to age 12 years. They aim to create strong child-friendly communities that understand the importance of children and apply this capacity to maximise the health, well-being and early development of young children at the local level. Events and workshops are on the CfC Murraylands Facebook page.
Our valued community partners are:
Australian and International evidence confirms that the early years of a child’s life are a critical time in their development and the foundations for learning, behaviour and health.
Communities for Children takes an early intervention approach that supports families to improve parenting skills and ensure the health and wellbeing of children.
Who will benefit?
In general, Communities for Children focuses on improving early childhood development and wellbeing of children from birth to 12 years and may include children up to 18 years.
What is the role of
We build on local strengths to meet the needs of individual communities and to create capability within local service systems, using strong evidence of what works in early intervention and prevention.
As the facilitating partner, we collaborate with other organisations to provide a holistic service system for children and families.
How is the service delivered?
We fund other organisations (known as community partners) to provide services targeted to their community as identified by community consultation and a local committee.
Services include parenting support, play-groups, evidence-based programs for students, group peer support, case management, home visiting, community events and life skills courses.
What programs are available?
Current programs available across Centacare, the Tailem Bend Community Centre and other partners include:
All Communities for Children activities and programs are FREE
Not required
Contact Murray Bridge
8531 4900 or email is a dynamic organisation servicing the South Australian communities the Limestone Coast, Murraylands, Riverland, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.
Our mission is for all country people to have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships.
Please find our service locations here or use our contact form to request a service.