This targeted early intervention response to families experiencing risks to child safety is offered using a holistic and trauma-informed case management approach.
Strong Families, Strong Communities aims to empower families and promote activities and support that diverts families from entering statutory child protection services, keeping children safe in the home, community and Culture. delivers this program in the following Local Government areas:
There are some criteria that determine if a family is eligible, and a short referral access form can determine if your family will fit the program. Some considerations are:
Based on population data and research and as part of the Child Family Support Services Reform priority is given to certain population groups that have evidenced a higher need for support services and early intervention. These are: is a dynamic organisation servicing the South Australian communities the Limestone Coast, Murraylands, Riverland, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.
Our mission is for all country people to have a safe home, enough money to live on and strong, positive relationships.
Please find our service locations here or use our contact form to request a service.